Sunday, February 22, 2009


What is this tag thing? hmm..6 of my habits/things? oh well, what the heck..

1: I can't live without either the computer or the internet.
2: I hate it when people disturbs me while I'm working on something.
3: I'm a hardcore gamer. Need it to de-stress myself.
4: I like to observe people's behavior and I don't talk much unless with close friends.
5: I love listening to retro music. Today's music kinda sucked and most of the lyrics are pointless that they redefined retardedness down to an indescribable level.
6: I depend on water, don't eat much and no seafood for me. I can live without really eating for days.

okay, that's all..
I'm not going to tag anyone because I don't see the real point of doing this other than answering the questions. hahaha.


nisya-chan said...

waaah..anata buat jugak..x cayenye atashi..wahahaha.. bile atashi baca jwpn anata ni..yg no 6 tu..atashi terbayang unta la..

alwajdi said...

cheh..saje je buat nak jaga hati..aheha..

unta tak unta..janji aku unik..hahaha

dBot+AdibA-waN said...

unik tak unik... balance diet is important.. health is the best wealth.. so u watchout k... =)