Friday, May 30, 2008

pening lagi..

I was really set look for another job in the next 2 months when today, my main boss came over my table, grab a chair and sat next to me.It was kinda weird as it was the first time. He asked me about the task he gave to me two weeks ago which I misunderstood of what he really wants. It was really simple and I thought that he wanted to see a working prototype. LOL.

Well, he was really satisfied to see that I actually did more than what he expected which is just the documentation. After he finished explaining the additional requirements, he told me of his plans for me.

He wanted to create a special division which consists of only me and my 2nd boss, Anselm to handle the modernization of the company's flagship product, Equity Online. My task is to implement web services and ajaxify the application where it is possible to meet the requirements to be Web 2.0 / SOA ready.

Darn, now I'm trapped with this guilty feelings again. As if my private life matter isn't enough.I'm in a dilemma.

Anyway, I found it funny that people keep on telling that it's hard to get a job in the IT field. I found through my experience that it was in the contrary. As I kept on receiving job offers from companies whether local or MNCs. One even called me all the way from Australia asking me if I'm interested to work at his place (which I would love to but then, I have to look after my ageing parents).

And to add more to my problems, I have a strong feeling to continue my studies to a further level. But right now my income doesn't really allow me to do so. I am really interested to get a master's degree in Software Engineering or maybe do a research on Distributed / Parallel Computing which is my actual main job here in this company (but sadly it was put on hold by MIMOS). Any financtial institution out there want to offer sponsorship for my studies?LOL.

Time's to moonlighting client is waiting at a mamak restaurant.

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