Friday, April 4, 2008

A poem by Abu Nawas - Al-I'tiraf (Acknowledgement)

syair abu nawas

God, I don't deserve your paradise,
but I can't withstand your hellfire,
so allow me to repent and forgive my sins,
as You are the Forgiver of Sins.

My sins is as much as the sands at the beach,
so allow me to repent oh He Who Have All The Greatness
my lifetime decreases each and everyday,
but my sins increases, I can't help it

God, this sinful servant of Yours comes to face You
Indeed I have sinned and I ask of You,
If you forgive indeed You are the Forgiver of Sins,
but if You refuse, to whom should we pray to other than You.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Many thanks for the lovely translation in English. Zafar Khan, Texas