Tuesday, October 16, 2007

on anti-hadith...

hmm..i felt being called to write something after reading certain blogs. The one that catched my attention today was a blog that debates on the Quran and the hadith. Seriously I don't understand what's worng with these people.

So here, I just want to write my own knowledge on the subject. I'm lazy to participate in the debate on that blog as most of the replies are nonsensical..most of the are by those anti-hadith group. They even said the way we pray is just a tradition as it is not mentioned in the Quran!

the 2nd of the Pillars of Faith: Have faith in the Rasul.

having faith in the Rasul includes having faith in what He did and said (The Hadith).
If we no longer have faith in it, that the faith is void..(Na'udzubillahi min zalik)

The Rasul (PBUH) said: I have left you two matters, that if you adhere to them, you will not go astray, the Quran, and my Sunnah (Hadith).

the way we perform out prayers is just tradition??Astaghfirullah..
Rasul (PBUH) said: Perform your prayers the way you see I performed it.

if we want to talk about sensitive issues like religous matters, be sure that we have enough knowledge, learn and the correct place and from the correct person. Only by doing that we conforms to the meaning of fair and just: to place something at its correct place.

"And if you have arguments in a matter, then return to Allah (the Quran) and Ar-Rasul(the Hadith), if you have faith in Allah and The Day" - An-Nisa:59

"whoever learns (on religious matters) without a teacher, then Satan will be the teacher" - Al-Hadith

the conclusion: think about it, I'm not even an expert in religious matters, even my basics is not perfect, realizing this, I won't dare debate on things up to the level like those people in do in that blog. Astaghfirullah..

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