Friday, November 19, 2010

Flashed my Samsung Galaxy S with Doc Froyo 7.6.2

After waiting so long for the official Froyo to be available here in Malaysia, I decided to just get on with the European version. So last night, I flashed from WXJM1 (European version of Eclair) to a custom version of JPM (European version of Froyo).

The whole process was very easy although I did a small mistake that nearly gave me a heart attack - I bricked the phone, but I managed to recover. It's true that they say the phone is quite hard to actually brick it. LOL.

Now I'm testing out the lag fixes. currently using NoRFS + ext4 formatting but it seems that the battery drain is quite noticable. I've read that flashing SpeedMod kernel is enough rather than applying the lag fixes. Maybe I'll try that later.

Edit: Crap! just about 12 hours I flashed the custom Froyo, the official Froyo for Malaysia came out. zzzz

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