Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I've been thinking.

Lately I've been reading a lot of books on business and investments. We're not getting any younger and time flies so fast that by the time we realized it, it felt like what happened months or years ago just happened yesterday. The conversation that I had with Clarice's dad during lunch at The Curve last week really made me having serious thoughts about really starting my own business. The future is full with uncertainties but still, there's no harm trying.

I've seen an heard a lot of examples of successful people. Sometimes what they all did is so simple but really profitable. My idea is to start my own software development company or software consultancy. I know that I'm far from being a real technical expert like my software development idols or those people from the other side of the world but analyzing the situation from the people around me at my current job, I guess I'm more than good enough for the local market.

The main thing that is bothering me right now is the main focus or direction of the business. What kind of industry should I be really concentrating? At the current moment, analyzing on the current local market, my eye is currently set on the local private health industry. I noticed that most of the clinics (except for the hospitals) that I went to did not really have a computerized system for patient records management and inventory management. It's 2010 and they're still based on papers and folders. It would be great if those data can be managed and retrieved easily. Inventory restocking could be done with minimal effort and patient records from the illnesses and insurance coverage can be retrieved a lot more faster

Maybe I should just talk to my personal doctor when I visit her next time..

1 comment:

yogurt said...

your eureka moment have fun with it.. :)