Thursday, January 21, 2010

Crossroads II

It's actually really tough to make a decision when the outcome is no longer a simple count size of 2.
What lies before me is quite difficult to weigh. Both with it's pros and cons and it seems hard to forfeit one path to pursue the other path.

One path is totally in my current interest. Both are actually in the list of my goals just that the other path was calculated to be not in the near future, but it seems that I reached both of them rather earlier than what I've pre-calculated and that is the dilemma I'm facing right now.

The first path, time flexibility and feeds my insatiable hunger for knowledge. The second path, power will already be at my command but of course, with responsibility and commitment. And both of them beckons me to choose either one.

I was set for knowledge, but the other path calls that I already have more than enough to be ready and that I will be most welcomed to walk through it should I choose to do so but the path won't be open for long.

"God never changes the state of a people until they themselves change their own situation." (Al-Anfal:53).

It would not be possible for me to reach this point in life, unless the above is true. Thank you Allah, for the blessings that you bestowed.

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