Sunday, April 26, 2009


You know, I mean c’mon I don’t really know whether you know or not. But I assume that you know instead of you don’t know.

You know. Yeah I know. But I can’t help to say that you know. I know it's annoying. But I know that you know. But you don’t show that you know. But you look like you know something..

but would it really matter to you knowing it ?

I think my statement made you curious to know what really I want to let you know…

Honestly, I don’t know…

I don’t know what would become of me. Without you knowing it. Not that I’m trying to get you to notice or that I want your attention. But it's just me. I want you to know. Like you want me to know…

But you know, sometimes things can never be the same. Not all things can turn back and go like it used to be but there is one thing sure do stay..standing still…strong sailing through this ocean of life without knowing the difference of day and night, hours to second. you know it will stay there…I know it's going to stay there…

There are always something we learned in everything that happened around us. You know that. I know that too. but do our hearts know it? it will just go to waste as time fly by…and the one we know going to stay will sail..continue to sail…

I don’t know if you know. But when I read it back. I don’t know whether it made sense or not. I know it is not that easy to put life back into the right track and march to the next destination but sometimes, you know, things you know that will happen, will happen someday. sooner or later

And still yet. I don't really know what I’ve wrote so far…

The universe has it’s own way to work. So do we. We know what needs to be done. And we do it at our best knowledge on how to do it…

but through all the "I-know-you-know" stuff. There is time in life you will feel like wanting to have it all. Then suddenly the table turns and everything seem not to be as it supposed to be. But life life goes on. Memories linger. What we have in the past you brought together and fight for the future…

I don't know if you know.
But I guess, I understand..


Ayuniez said...

i know wat u did last summer :P

nisya-chan said...

matters je..sgt curious..huhuhu

alwajdi said...

nothing to see here..move along pls..
-sambil membuat gaya polis menyuraikan org kat tempat accident-