Sunday, February 17, 2008

Love vs Obsession

haha..some weird topic i have here..we profess that we love someone..but do we ever wonder is it really love that we feel or is it something else?some may say that love comes with obsession and it is quite the same thing..

But after all that I've had throughout my opinion is that these two things are very different.

Obsession, is a state where we are being emotionally excessive and very selfish. We want to control the life of another, gaining happiness by doing all that we can so that the other person will do what we want exclusively for our own.

We 'romantically' chase, pursue - at times, even physically stalk - those we profess to "love." When we engage in relationships with new partners, we tend to be so possessive in our manner of "loving" that they inevitably run for the door to escape what they perceive to be an extremely oppressive and, essentially, unloving atmosphere.

If obsession=love, I rather not have it in my life at all. This is not loving. On the intuitive level, this is emotional obsession in its most dangerous and destructive form, so far removed from genuine love that we can't even categorize it as obsession due to the level of psychosis involved. Again, I highlight the word here..PSYCHOSIS.

Love, in my definition is when you want someone to be happy..with, or without you in the picture of their happiness. If we are genuinely in love with someone, we put their happiness before our own. We feel their pain, their sadness, their sorrow..We give the person all that we have just to make that person happy..even though we're not one of the active participants in their future lives.

We want these individuals to be genuinely happy as they live their lives - with or without us - because we are capable of truly loving them that much.

Loving, should be unselfish. Why? Well, if you really think that love is a sacred thing, then, it should be that way. How can we consider something selfish to be sacred? isn't that very much contradicting?

When we say, "I can't live without this person in my life," we aren't expressing love but instead, extreme dependency on another individual. We are obsessed and parasitic in the way we feel about that individual. We have focused the essence of our lives on the lives of our partners and are basically feeding off them as they pursue their own happiness in life.

We virtually have no identity for ourselves when we live this way. We are so focused on that partner and what he or she does in an attempt to be happy that we have no idea what it means to make ourselves happy. We are, plainly speaking, living our lives through the lives of others, which is a very unhealthy way to live.

Genuine love will never grow from such an unhealthy way of life, only greater dependency and deeper unhappiness is fostered in the end.

Love, is about sincerity. And sincerity means that we should expect nothing in return. Sounds foolish? but that, is what it truly means so to say. That, is what L.O.V.E means.

But then, people start asking, what about 'true love'? Well, that's easy. It's the love thing + commitment. Commitment means a pledge of trust. And this involves honor. when we pledge something, we put our honor into it. if we ever broke it, it means that we dishonor ourselves.

Love, is about being tolerant,sincerity,trust and respect..give and take..If you want true love..that's what you have to do..or else, you're not really loving someone..but in fact, you are treating them like some kind of thing which is the wrong meaning of least in my opinion..haha..

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